25 June 2008

To Anyone who knows more than me - so - Everyone:

How do you change the sizes of pictures? Is there a program that can help with that? Any suggestions? Hmmmmmmm????


Zachary Allen Selter said...

MAC or PC?
Adobe Photoshop is your best bet, but its also your most expensive. Just google 'freeware image editor' and try some out.

Christine said...

Hi Clare,
I LOVE your blog. The foamy cat still cracks me up. Makes me want to "try it out" on Milo. Also enjoyed the book list. I've read a bunch of those as well and will use the list for future reads. Hope you and Chris are well and the cat stays "bitchy!"


pg said...

what zachary said. if you're on a PC try Gimp: http://www.gimp.org/.

Miss you lady!