16 September 2008


Okay, I have been known to get a tab bit peevish when Chris isn't doing his fair share of the chores. And, he's also gotten a little cranky when I am not doing mine. It is a give and take, and since we both work, we have to both pitch in.

But next time he doesn't pitch in, I am going to remind him of this:


Please note the use of a two foot sword. 'Cause the dishes weren't done. It makes me look like and angel of mercy sent from the heavens to anoint his feat in dishwater.

Totally Punk Rock

These little guys are back! These are seriously the coolest woolly worms ever, with their punk rock hairstyles. They wriggle along like they are groovin to some majorly heavy tunes. I glimpsed their bright green pals once, too. And, of course, was camera-less.

I always try to think 'take the camera' but when get home from work, the dogs are barking, and it is walkin' time, the camera is the last thing I'm thinking off. It is usually more like "Did I remember to send that email before I left work?" or "What am I going to make for dinner?" or "Lalalalalalalalalalalalala.........What did you say, Chris?"