10 June 2008


(photo courtesy of Katie)
Welcome to Post 1 on The Parade to End All Parades: Brattleboro's own, Strolling of the Heifers.
That there cow is named Sassafras - and she is being strolled by Katie, my lovely co-worker.

This parade was excellent; cows! Trucks! Kids dressed up like organic broccoli - god I wish I had a picture of That one! The only real downside was that it was 90+ degrees. That's right, it was hot, in Vermont, in June. It is rather early for heat of that magnitude, and it has continued - with 100 degree days ever since. Insane. I think the locals are going to start melting any minute now.

Oh - and did I mention there were over 60,000 people in town? Brattleboro is usually only about 11, 000 inhabitants. It was udder (ha!) chaos. I got to see a cop slap - and I mean SLAP, hard, hard enough that hundreds of people went silent for a second - a car (with out of state plates) as it did some stupid driving in a crowd of people.

But! Wait! there will be more! I haven't even started on the night BEFORE the parade!

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