03 June 2008

Bad Blogger!

Geez. This bloggin thing is harder than I though it would be. I keep saying "Oh! That would be great to post!" But do I do it? No. Instead I wander down to the garden and putter, or take a nap, or play with the dogs, or try to find a new gluten free way to make banana bread, or mindlessly stare at the horizon.

Or. OR! Spend way too much time slapping at these incarnations of pure evil.

Absolutely, pure, unadulterated evil. Spawns of satan. Scum of the earth. I HATE Mosquitoes. I am covered in bites, way earlier than usual this year. If I am standing in a group of people, no one else gets bitten, because they are visually swarming all over me. They leave scars. I have resorted to covering myself with some deet-based bug repellent if I want to leave the house after 4pm in the afternoon, which I am sure will cause cancer in my old age, but I don't care! Okay, I do care, but I really like being outside....

1 comment:

Unknown said...

One of the great things about living in Vermont is that there are tons of seasons most people don't even know about. There's mud season, lambing season, mosquito season, black fly season, that time between October and the end of Novemeber where its almost winter, but not quite...

When do we get to see garden pictures?