05 June 2008

Things I Should DO, Not Just Think About

Kids are neat. They are so guile-less and pretty much just focused on having a good time. It is always good reminder that - oh yeah! - life is supposed to be fun. It's easy to get really bogged down in the trappings of adulthood; work, cooking, laundry, scrubbing the toilet, walking the dog, weeding the garden, and then work again. But all of this - at one point in time - was fun. Okay, maybe not scrubbing the toilet...but I did get a perverse sense of satisfaction out of doing a very good job of cleaning my first apartment.

In fact - all of the things I do were once 'fun';

Laundry was a blast in college, and the one time that was free from classes, or work, or crazy stress. Two hours of peace and quiet.

(photo courtesy of www(dot)persalts(dot)com/)

Work was once exciting - and when I think about it, I love my job, even when it is crazy and ulcer-inducing busy, I love what I do.

(photo courtesy of biojobblog.com)

Cooking was once an adventure, not an obligation. And when I stop worrying about and enjoy the process, it is relaxing and satisfying.

(photo courtesy of http://www.glutenfreegirl.blogspot.com/ - check it out - she is my hero!)

And the garden. It can be so much damn work, but I do get lost in it. And being able to stand back at the end of the day and be able to see and touch what I did all day - something missing in the esoteric world of computers and papers at my job - there is a sense of accomplishment.

So. Life is supposed to be fun. Get your nails painted blue once in a while, like my lovely nephew.

(photo courtesy of Kay)

1 comment:

Zachary Allen Selter said...

I saw this yesterday and today your blog made me think of it again.