17 January 2012

salad days

i've been a (mostly) vegetarian for a really long time. i was a vegetarian back when you had a really hard time finding meat-free dishes in most restaurants. salads, usually the house salad which consisted of ice berg lettuce, a few old slices of not-quite-red tomatoes, and some wilty cucumber, were the only option.

i really, really hated salads by the time i got to college. like a lot.

then things started to change: restaurants had more vegetarian options, and they learned to make really good salads. and i learned to make really good salads.

but sometimes i still forget that salads can be tasty.

why do i forget about salads? what is wrong with me?

salads are yummy.

1 comment:

haikukat said...

salads are delicious! they make up a large portion of the lunches I take to work! yummy.