(update: we realized that we have a composting toilet - so the drain catch bits are gettin' flushed - it's a pretty genius system, for those of you who live on 10 or more acres of land....)

(picture courtesy of ApartmentTherapy.com)
To his credit, he is the one that turned the compost pile last year. But - this pic is for you, pookie.
And, although we have quite the hearty stick-free compost pile, it is still the neighborhood doggie snack shack. Benji, a great big red dog with a white tipped tail, likes to make the neighborhood rounds when he goes on walks, gettin' all the good stuff early in the morning. And our dogs have two distinct tactics: Bella lithely wiggles her pointy noose in between the bars, while Sebastian likes to just rip off the bars in his way....I need to put up a pick of our compost box...
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